MHC Minutes Spring 2016

Minutes for the Spring Meeting of the Mount Hermon Community

Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 7:00pm, Newton Memorial Building

President, Reggie Coates, opened the meeting at 7:00pm with a welcome and introduction.

Vice-President, Gordon Kvamme, gave the initial prayer.

Acting Secretary, Cheri Andrews read the minutes from the Fall 2015 meeting, which were approved.

Treasurer, Cheri Andrews, gave the Treasurer’s Report. Our current balance is $802.53. From the previously reported balance of $341.75, the total credits were $817.20, the total Debits were 356.42, and the Net Total $460.78. There were four deposits: as Christmas Dinner ticket sales, $349.20 through PayPal, $103.00 cash at the door, and $363.00 through the Mount Hermon Registration Office; plus $2.00 for Neighborhood Watch sticker sales. There were seven expenditures: Business with pleasure, $12.05, $53.29, $26.64, $6.39, and $13.05; $215.00 to Mount Hermon Association for their portion of the Online Christmas Dinner ticket sales; and $30.00 to Dan Dawson for Web Hosting. The report was then approved.

Mount Hermon Community Announcements and Committees – Reggie Coates

  • Reggie emphasized the importance of good communication, growing involvement, and supportive attitudes throughout the community (MHC) and toward the Mount Hermon Association (MHA).
  • Reggie requested approval to start a new committee of Area Representatives for the community. This committee would help communicate events and important issues. Motion was made to create a small committee of neighbors to represent various areas throughout Mount Hermon to communicate better. MSC
  • Reggie spoke of the neighborhood watch effort to support our community from unwelcome transients and to report all activity to the sheriff. We were glad to have the fence installed at the end of Conference Drive.
  • Reggie reported on both the MHC Website ( and MHC NextDoor (  He encouraged people to use social media like these to communicate often and in a positive manner.
  • Cheri Andrews announced the Fun Day for our community, Saturday, July 16, 12:00pm-5:00pm, sponsored by MHA. It includes lunch, games, and activities for free. Register for the summer and receive a name badge to participate.

Summer Registration Details – Bill Fernald

  • Bill Fernald handed out the brochures explaining what is available for the residents this summer. There was some discussion of why residents could not have swim lessons at the pool. Bill explained there is simply not enough room with all the weekly conference guests and residents paying for weekly registration as campers.

Volunteering with Mount Hermon – Don Broesemle

  • Don Broesemle handed out fliers and offered the community the opportunity to volunteer in helping Mount Hermon. Anyone interested can email [email protected] or call 831-430-4375. [See flier below]

Mount Hermon Association Update – Dale Pollock

  • Dale Pollock thanked the community for their support.
  • He also commended the community that so much water has been saved that there is no more restriction for Mount Hermon residents. However, he strongly recommended continued conserving.
  • He announced the completion of the Redwood Camp pavilion as well as the status of the meadow project. The meadow project is currently on hold.
  • He reviewed some measures being taken to assure safety for the community such as the fence at the end of Conference Drive.

Elections for the office of Secretary

  • The Executive Board as the leading nomination chose Annie Stepka for the Office of Secretary. Annie answered a few questions and voiced she was excited to help make a difference in the community.
  • Motion was made to have Annie Stepka as the new Secretary. MSC

Vice-President Gordon Kvamme closed the meeting in prayer and President Reggie Coates adjourned the meeting at 8:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Reggie Coates


Mount Hermon Community


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