MHC Minutes – Fall 2016

Fall Meeting Minutes of the Mount Hermon Community

Thursday, October 27, 2016, 7:00pm, Newton Memorial Building

President, Reggie Coates, opened the meeting at 7:00pm with a welcome and introduction. He explained the difference between the Mount Hermon Association (MHA) and the Mount Hermon Community (MHC). MHA is the conference center leadership and associates. MHC is the group of residents, all those who live in Mount Hermon. They are separate, but work together in support of each other.

Vice-President, Gordon Kvamme, announced that Steve Hoff had passed away Monday. Gordon prayed for Steve’s family.

Secretary Annie Stepka could not make the meeting because she is moving to Felton, so Reggie read the minutes from the Spring 2016 meeting. The minutes were approved.

Treasurer, Cheri Andrews, gave the Treasurer’s Report. Our current balance is $802.53. There was no activity since the Spring meeting, which our total was $802.53. The report was then approved.

Mount Hermon Community Announcements – Reggie

  • Reggie emphasized the importance of good communication, growing involvement, and supportive attitudes throughout the community (MHC) and toward the Mount Hermon Association (MHA).
  • Reggie reported on the Area Representative Committee. There are nine people involved in eight different areas of Mount Hermon. They got the word out about the Fun Day in July. Those on the committee are Reggie Coates, Gordon Kvamme, Cheri Andrews, Barb McGraw, Ron Taylor, Bill & Sharon Klippenstein, Diana Bond, and Kerry Phibbs. Reggie passed around a clipboard for others to sign-up.
  • Reggie spoke of the neighborhood watch effort to support our community from unwelcome transients and to report unusual activity to the sheriff. MHA are continuing to increase security such as the fence installed at the end of Conference Drive.
  • Reggie reported on both the MHC Website ( and MHC NextDoor (  He encouraged people to use social media like these to communicate often and in a positive manner. Reggie passed around a clipboard for others to sign-up.
  • Cheri Andrews announced the Buffet Christmas Dinner for our community, Tuesday, December 6, 6:00pm-7:45pm, $8.00 tickets on sale November 7 at the Registration Office ($8.50 for online will-call available now), Includes dinner, door prizes, games, carol singing with Dave Talbott, desert, and meet with neighbors.

Fire Chief Ron Rickabaugh, from the Felton Fire Protection District, gave a report on current issues. He has been the Fire Chief for 26 years. He explained the volunteers involvement in the recent fires and how the volunteers are involved. He recommended that everyone keep the brush away from their homes and think about clearing what would be flammable and dangerous in a fire. One question raised about reporting pot growers was addressed by Ron who said it is legal to grow a 10×10 plot of marijuana if they have a medical card.

Dale Pollock gave the Mount Hermon Association Update. He introduced Bryan Hayes, the new Vice President of Finance and Administration for Mount Hermon. Bryan spoke for a few minutes explaining his role and introducing himself. He lives in Mount Hermon and has been the Executive Director of Mission Springs Christian Conference Center for the last 16 years. Another new hire is Jeremy Bentley, Vice President of Programs. Dale explained MHA is replacing the water lines on Grandview and will continue to work on this throughout Mount Hermon until all the old lines have been replaced.

Elections for the offices of Vice-President and Secretary

  • The Executive Board nominated Ron Taylor for the office of Vice-President and Barb McGraw for the office of Secretary. Both of them spoke for a few minutes introducing themselves and answered a few questions by those present.
  • Motion was made to have them take office and it was passed. MSC

There was no new business, but one announcement of the Prayer Meeting at the Lewis’s home on Tuesdays.

Reggie thanked Gordon and Annie for their service as officers and gave them cards signed by those present, a music CD, and a bouquet of flowers for Annie and a $25.00 Starbucks card for Gordon on behalf of MHC.

Barb McGraw closed in prayer at 8:20pm.

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