MHC Minutes – Fall 2017

Fall Meeting Minutes of the Mount Hermon Community

Thursday, November 2, 2017, 7:00pm
Newton Memorial Building, Mount Hermon


Agenda Items

  • Reggie Coates gave the President’s Call to Order at 7:05pm, Welcome, and Introduction.
  • Vice President Ron Taylor provided the Opening Prayer.
  • The Secretary’s Report, Ron Taylor directed attendees to read through the Spring meeting report, asking for clarifications and/or questions as necessary, none were presented. The Spring minutes were accepted as presented. [Barb McGraw was out of town, but reported that she has no more cancer. She has been recovering for months in Southern California].

  • Treasurer’s Report was given by Treasurer Cheri Andrews.
  • At the Spring meeting, May 4th, 2017, we had $1082.54.
  • Our current balance is $966.08
  • Expenses for the August Fun Day were $76.46.
  • Community Announcements:
    • Reggie reiterating the MHC focus on positive Communication, Involvement, and Support.
    • Reggie Coates communicated the importance for all to respect the community and its guidelines.
    • He reminded everyone of the community website at and social media site at
    • Lisa Galleguillos, on behalf of MHA, presented an opportunity for the community to participate in the Operation Christmas Child shoe box stuffing party held on Thursday evening, Nov. 9
    • Cheri Andrews gave a recap on the Family Fun Day in August. It was well attended, with fun for all.
    • Cheri reported on the buffet Christmas Dinner for the community, set for Tuesday, December 5 (6 – 7:45 PM). Tickets are on sale on November 4, priced at $8 at the Registration Office, or $8.50 for online will-call.
  • Mount Hermon Association Update was given by Dale Pollock
    • The work on Conference Drive is going well, with the anticipated project end date by Thanksgiving weekend.
    • The Forrest Road project is progressing, with projected end date by Thanksgiving weekend.
    • The Felton Meadow project has been canceled. Call Dale if you have any questions.
    • Dale reiterated the need for personal involvement regarding security, by locking doors on homes and cars, maintaining lighting during the evenings, and reporting suspicious behaviors. Though MH maintains security iservices in general, there are those who pass through the community who take advantage of others.
    • Dale fielded a variety of questions on road conditions throughout the park.


  • Fire Chief Ron Rickabaugh, from the Felton Fire Protection District, encouraged residents to register their home location and contact information with org. This will ensure that emergency response teams will be able to reach your residence without undue delay.


  • The Sheriff report was presented by Reggie Coates, as follows:
    • The Sheriff Department notes that crime is down, that MH is a safe place to live. It was noted that the use of cameras, lights, trimmed shrubs and involvement in Neighborhood Watch are helpful deterrents to crime.
    • The department has additional help, now at 6 officers with 1 sergeant, plus a number of volunteers.
  • There was no New Business.
  • Ron Taylor closed the evening in prayer at 8:07 PM.



Respectfully submitted,


Ron Taylor – Mount Hermon Community Vice – President

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