Fall Regular Meeting Minutes of the Mount Hermon Community
Thursday, October 24, 2019, 7:00pm
Youth Memorial Building, Mount Hermon
Agenda Items
- Ron Taylor gave the Vice-President’s Call to Order at 7:05pm, Welcome,
and Introduction.
- The Secretary’s Report was given by Ron as Barb McGraw was out of town. Ron directed attendees to read through the Spring meeting report, asking for clarifications and/or questions as necessary, none were presented. The Spring minutes were accepted as presented. Motion/Second/Approved
- The Treasurer’s Report was given by Ron as Cheri Andrews was out of town. Details of the report have been placed on file.
- Balance
as of 10/23/19: $ 607.66
- Union Bank Balance as of 10/23/19: $ 552.07
- Pay Pal Balance as of 10/23/19: $ 55.59
- Sergeant Jason Dunn gave an update regarding security and safety in Mount Hermon. He emphasized the need for personal involvement regarding security, by locking doors on homes and cars, maintaining lighting during the evenings, and reporting suspicious behavior. There is regular patrolling throughout Mount Hermon and he reiterated that we live in a safe area. He does help with neighbor disputes and is concerned for safety and security in our city. Sherri Coates suggested moving the children’s bus drop-off be at the Fieldhouse for better safety and more convenience to neighbors (not having to stop for flashing lights). Both Sergeant Dunn and Bryan Hayes thought it was a good idea and said they would follow through with the idea.
- Community Announcements:
- Reggie reiterated the MHC focus on positive Communication, Involvement, and Support.
- Reggie communicated the importance for all to respect the community and its guidelines.
- Neighborhood Watch – We have placed 8 Neighborhood Watch signs up at key entrances to Mount Hermon entrances. He explained how a number of community members donated to make purchasing the signs possible. MHA put the signs up.
- He reminded everyone of the community website at http://mounthermoncommunity.com [Get on the email List – Email “Put me on the list” to: [email protected]] and social media sites at
- Next Door – http://mounthermon.nextdoor.com
- He announced the buffet Christmas Dinner for the community, set for Tuesday, December 10 (6 – 7:45 PM). Tickets are on sale on November 1, priced at $8 at the Welome Center, or $8.50 for online will-call.
- Reggie read an email from Chris Dumonceaux as to the many projects MHA is doing with funds from the MHC collected fees. You can find this list and photos at http://mounthermoncommunity.com/roads-trails-and-bridges/.
- Mount Hermon Association Update was given by Bryan Hayes
- Bryan Hayes says the best way to contact Mount Hermon Association regarding community issues is to email Rebecca Krusee at [email protected] and she will forward it to the right person.
- He explained some of the projects being worked on right now and how the funds for water and the funds for Roads/Trails/Bridges are accounted for separately.
- The Terrace Way/Grandview Water project and road improvement is the biggest project right now.
- In response to a question about firehydrants throughout Mount Hermon, Bryan reassured us there are a number of them throughout the park. They have different colors based on how much water they can produce. The newer ones have 10 inch pipes going to them.
- Elections: Reggie opened nominations for the office of Secretary for the Mount Hermon Executive Board. Maria Demarest was nominated by Reggie Coates and no one else was nominated. A vote was taken by voice and there was unanimous approval. Maria has lived in Mount Hermon for 16 years and currently resides on Madrone. She cares about the elderly and wants to be more involved in our community. She is semi-retired and has more time now to help. Motion/Second/Approved
- There was no New Business, but considerable discussion on the involvement
and support for the residents on Terrace Way. No decisions were made.
- Reggie closed the evening in prayer at 8:40 PM.
Submitted by:
Reggie Coates – Mount Hermon Community President
[These minutes are a draft for approval at the next regular meeting.]