CERT Map Your Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Tip– 8/2/22

Wildfire Safety: Ready, Set…Go!

Being prepared is one of the most important tools you and your family will need when disaster strikes. 

Whether there is a wildfire, earthquake, or other unforeseen event, one way to prepare is by developing a plan. 

Below is suggested Family Wildfire Action Plan from Cal Fire’s brochure,“Ready Set Go”. 

  • Create meeting locations and communication plans and practice it regularly.
  • Include in your plan the evacuation animals, especially large ones such as horses.
  • Have fire extinguishers on hand and train your family how to use them.
  • Ensure that your family knows where your gas, electric and water main shut-off controls are and how to use them.
  • Plan several different evacuation routes.
  • Designate an emergency meeting location outside the fire hazard area.
  • Assemble an emergency supply kit as recommended by the American Red Cross.
  • Appoint an out-of-area friend or relative as a point of contact so you can communicate with family members who have relocated.
  • Maintain a list of emergency contact numbers posted near your phone and in your emergency supply kit.
  • Keep an extra emergency supply kit in your car in case you can’t get to your home because of fire.
  • Have a portable radio or scanner so you can stay updated on the fire.

Let’s hope you do not need to use this emergency family plan. However, checking in with your family now before there is an emergency is easy to do and can help your family face natural disasters if they occur.

If you are interested in learning more about how to prepare and support your community during natural disasters, consider enrolling in a CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training course.  There will be online and in person classes this August and September.  Visit the Santa Cruz CERT website for more information.

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