Greetings all. I hope this finds each of you well and safely navigating the challenges of unending rain. I wish to inform you on one of the immediate consequences of the present storm, the necessity of closing Conference Drive due to a sink hole.
The sinkhole is in the downhill lane when exiting Mount Hermon (as you make your way toward Graham Hill Road and Felton), just after passing the Mount Hermon sign on the left and Park Way on the right.
It is a large hole that will require an engineer to determine the extent of damage and to direct the repair. The goal at present is to open one lane as soon as possible, hopefully within a few days. There is no definite date for the repair of the entire road. Those affected by this sinkhole will need to enter/exit Mount Hermon via Summit Road, until one lane is safely established.
Please notify me if there are any questions or concerns.
Blessings on your day!
Ron Taylor

The sinkhole on Conference Drive has been repaired.