Spring Meeting 2024 Minutes, Video, Handouts

Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 7:00pm, Newton Memorial
[The Minutes, YouTube video link, and PDF of all the handouts can be found on our website under News & Events: Spring Meeting Minutes 2024]

  1. President’s Call to Order, Welcome, Introduction and Prayer was given by Ron Taylor at 7:02pm
  2. Secretary’s Report was given by Reggie Coates, MSA
  3. Treasurer’s Report was given by Eric Gobler, MSA

MHC – Spring Meeting Treasurers Report Follow Up

DateAccount MethodTransactionDescriptionAmountAccount Balance
12/13/23Ck 1047Ron TaylorFlyer Printing-$39.68$4,480.66
12/13/23Ck 1048USPSPost Office Box-$70.00$4,410.66
12/18/23Ck 1049USPSPO Box Fee-$25.00$4,385.66
12/18/23Ck 1050MHAChristmas Dinner-$1197.00$3,188.66
3/29/24CK 1051Ron TaylorPrinting/ Supplies-$56.50$3,132.16
4/1 /24Ck 1052Dan DawsonWeb Hosting

MHC Balance as of 4/16/24: $3,014.01

  1. Welcome Team Report by Christine Lindholm.
    Christine reported how new residents give a welcome packet. They have been doing this since January of 2023. If you’d like to join the team, you can send an email to [email protected] and let us know you are interested in getting involved in this way.
  1. Community Announcements by Ron Taylor
    • Community Social Media:
      • Website – http://mounthermoncommunity.com
      • Next Door – http://mounthermon.nextdoor.com
      • Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/mounthermoncommunity
      • General email for questions and comments is: [email protected]. To be included on the General Email List, email the phrase “Put me on
             the list” to: [email protected]
  2. Events for 2024
    • Community Work Day – Saturday, April 20, 9am-1pm. Ron explained how this is a help for neighbors and community. It even helps with fire prevention. They have around 16 people going to 5 homes. Verjene Kalashian is organizing the volunteers and gave a short explanation how they have a good showing of volunteers for this Saturday and everyone is so grateful for the community help. She has received so much appreciation and she wanted to thank MHC for the support. You can sign up for the next Work Day or ask for help.
    • Fun Day – Saturday, August 10, 12pm – 5 pm at Redwood CampCommunity Work Day – Saturday, September 28, 9am-1pm.
    • Fall Meeting – Tuesday, October 22, 7:00pm-8:15pm, Newton Memorial (voting on Secretary).
    • Christmas Dinner – Tuesday, December 17, 6:00pm-7:45pm, at the Conference Center Dining Hall
  1. Mount Hermon Association Update
    • Summer Passes explained – Allie McBride (Recreation Manager for MHA) & Emma Anderson (Aquatic Supervisor for MHA) shared about the Summer Pass options for residents. It’s free for resident, but everyone needs to sign up. (see the handout or call the office at 831-335-4466 for more information).
    • General report – Dale Pollock
      Dale reported on the water and roads/trails/bridges (RTB). There is a handout that goes over the finances. The water system is doing well. They have three water tanks. The state said some maintenance needs to be done on the 1 million gallon tank. They have three wells. Each one varies on depth. They are seeking to dig one well deeper to get water from all three. The RTB have been costly because of the storms. MHA is $144,000 in the red because of the Acacia Road repair. They are keeping up with pot holes, etc. He reminded us that Ponderosa and Redwood Camp are off limits to residents because of the age of those at the camps (The video explains ways to get around Ponderosa).
    • Q & A – [The video has Dale covering the Acacia repair, signs for bicyclists to not go on trails, water repair on Azalea, possible chipping days (they might have to wait until the Fall) etc. Everyone is so thankful for the widening of the road at Pine Ave. and Conference Dr. Eric Gobler is responsible for getting the phone pole moved and they were able to widen the road.
  2. Nominating Committee Update – Ron Taylor
    • Presenting new Nominating Committee members to the Committee. The Nominating Committee was started in 2021 to screen those considered for the Executive Board (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer). Initially there was 6 members. We want to rotate members in and out on a regular basis to make 4 to 8 members. The first two rotating off are Bill Cree and Carolee Singley. The new three members will be Ryan Lippert, Scott Nystrom, and Lesley McGill (see the video at time stamp 38:00 for their introduction). They will serve for 3 years.
  1. Officer Election Process for 2024 (Election of Secretary) – Tim Galleher
    We are looking for suggestions for the office of Secretary so the Nominating Committee can screen them and nominate them for the Fall meeting in October. If you know of someone who would be a good fit, email us at [email protected] and put “Attention Tim.”
  2. Chief Dan Walters from the Felton Fire Department spoke on our fire situation and the fire department in particular. Last year they responded to just under 1000 calls. This puts pressure on volunteers and has a fiscal impact. There’s been a 30% increase in fuel. The cost of fire engines has gone up 500% and there is a 3 year wait list. For the last 6 months, he’s been asked to pull out a crystal ball and do a deep dive in the department. There is a lot of wear and tear on the volunteers. They have to bring in outside volunteers because there are not enough to meet the need of 9 calls a day. [For details, see the video at time-stamp 43:43]. They have had to increase paid staff in order to meet the fire engines to your front door. The $1.2 billion budget will be increasing and moving them into the red this year. These are the challenges they face.
  3. New Business – There was no new business. Ron recommended how important it is to get clear signage of our address numbers.
  4. Adjourn – Ron Taylor adjourned the general meeting at 8:40pm
  5. Breakout Session – Firewise Informational Meeting
    The Steering Committee is Eric Gobler, Tim Galleher, and Verjene Kalashian. Explanation and details can be seen on the video at Time-stamp 1:04:11.


Reggie Coates
MHC Secretary

YouTube video of the MHC Spring Meeting and Special Breakout Firewise Session:

MHC Spring Meeting Minutes PDF:

Handouts – Agenda, Summer Pass Info, MHA Financials for Water and Roads/Trails/Bridges, Firewise:

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